Decision against impact study for BK sand mine stands

The Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) has written to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) upholding that body’s finding that an Environmental impact Assessment is not warranted for BK International’s sand mine at Yarrowkabra.

Bulkan Timber Works and Superior Shingles and Wood Products will be appealing the decision. This entity had appealed to the EPA to withhold permission for the sand mine to go ahead on the grounds that the development posed a health risk to the workers with the risk of their contracting silicosis, ground water contamination from heavy machinery, and dangers to nearby structures which could collapse because of the sand mine due to the triggering by distant seismic events. The EAB said that while these were thought to be real concerns, they were not sufficiently evidenced to warrant the requirement of an EIA.

The letter was dated May 20, 2013 and addressed to Executive Director of the EPA Dr. Indarjit Ramdass. “The EAB is cognisant of mitigation