Veteran educator Shirley Jordan honoured

Past students of veteran educator Shirley Jordan yesterday paid tribute to her as she celebrated her 89th birthday.

20130627Shirley`Teacher Shirley’ as she is known by many taught for over 40 years and those  “passing through her hands” included the late Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud, national cricket Lennox Cush and Clinton Adolphus among many others.

As the past students gathered at the celebrations, they reminisced on days when their “strict” educator would lecture them before punishing them for wrongs they did.

“She was old school she used to tell us give your soul to the Lord and your bambalaity to me and I would show you my true colours”, Annie  Blanchard  recalled.

Her four children, all educators , also chimed in saying that she was known for her quotes . “Mom used to warn her girls about boys saying ‘kissing is uptown shopping for downtown business’ ,” one of her daughters laughed.

Among items given to the cherished educator were gift hampers filled with treats that she loves.