Developments in popular theatre

The performance of a play in Georgetown, Pleasing Mrs Jones, by a Linden drama group led by Mike James revealed a number of very interesting developments in the popular theatre that suggest the way Guyana is reflecting current regional trends.  Many statements about these trends and directions in the theatre occurred in the space of one weekend, because at the same time The Drama Queens performed Love and Madness at the other end of the city, making a few more significant statements in popular drama.

Pleasing Mrs Jones written and directed by Mike James is a minor comedy with many faults, but what is important about it is its place in the history of drama coming out of Linden. That town played an important role in the development of local drama when the theatre in Guyana began to build a large popular following and to create a working class and grass-roots base.  Two main contributors to this started their work in Linden, viz, Harold Bascom and Grace Chapman.  Bascom soon moved to Georgetown with The Barrel,