Stock market updates

GASCI reports that session 519’s trading results showed consideration of $2,117,516 from 17,190 shares traded in 6 transactions as compared to session 518 which showed consideration of $5,977,568 from 148,032 shares traded in 16 transactions.  The stocks active this week were DDL, DTC, PHI, RBL and SPL.

Demerara Distillers Limited’s (DDL) single trade of 1,996 shares at $15.5 represented 11.61% of the total shares traded.  DDL’s shares were traded at a Mean Weighted Average Price (MWAP) of $15.5, which showed no change from its previous close. DDL’s trade contributed 1.46% ($30,938) of the total consideration.

Demerara Tobacco Company Limited’s (DTC) single trade of 300 shares at $1,100.0 represented 1.75% of the total