A sound production

20110807artsonsundayRonald Hollingsworth over the years has risen to be among the most prominent and established Guyanese dramatists – as both playwright and director.  Most recently, he has built quite a productive partnership with another major personality in Mahadeo Shivraj, who is now established as a prominent actor and film-maker.  Added to that, a local actress, Sheron Cadogan-Taylor has linked her fortunes with theirs to form another partnership that has served her well, since she has now co-directed successful Hollingsworth productions, exhibiting skills as a director of high competence.

Watch De Ride 2 – Justice co-directed by Hollingsworth and Mrs Cadogan-Taylor, was written some years ago as a sequel to the very popular box office hit Watch De Ride.  Both original and sequel demonstrate Hollingsworth’s propensity to pounce on opportunities provided by