‘All our investment in powerlifting has paid off’

POWER MOVE! Guyana’s youngest ever World Champion, Gumendra Shewdas (with medals) poses with members of his family, executive members of the Guyana Amateur Power lifting, medalists at July’s Caribbean and Pan American Championships as well as Minister of Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry during yesterday’s luncheon at the New Thriving Restaurant. (Orlando Charles photo)

Guyana’s first ever U18 World Champion powerlifter Gumendra Shewdas and lifters who won medals at July’s Caribbean and PanAmerica powerlifting championships yesterday paid a courtesy call to president Donald Ramotar.

During the visit to the president at his Shiv Chanderpaul Drive office,
Ramotar congratulated the lifters of the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPF) which included Randolph Morgan, Winston Stoby, John ‘Big John’ Edwards, Colin ‘Mr Clean’ Chesney, Kimberly Mars-Loncke, Paul Adams, Anis Ade Thomas and others and also encouraged them to continue to make the nation proud.

Afterwards the lifters were treated to lunch by Minster of Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony at the New Thriving Restaurant.

“We wanted to bring the main players in the powerlifting fraternity as we honour our most recent champion (Shewdas).