Pet paediatrics

Last week we described how one could ensure that food gets into the stomach of the newborn pup.  Well, even if you are successful, there are a few mistakes that can be made and against which we must guard.

Firstly, we have a tendency to overfeed the hungry, whimpering puppy. I suppose that is a normal trait in caring humans. However, if we follow a simple ‘rule of thumb’ guideline, we would be confronted with less worrisome situations. I would suggest that you give 1 millilitre (ml) of formula (see TPC 27/10/2013) per 1 ounce of puppy weight, per feed. So, an 8-ounce puppy would receive 8 mls of formula with each feed – and we must feed four times daily. As the pup gets older and stronger and heavier, we might have to increase the numbers in the guideline. For example, if the 8-ounce pup has