Bejewelled Bread

Hi Everyone, The Italian sweet bread – Panettone – reminds me of the Christmas holidays. It is a sweet loaf – at Christmas sweet treats take prominence. It is peppered with colourful dried fruit – at Christmas it’s all about the colours of gold, red, green and silver. Panettone is an Italian Christmas loaf and versions of the bread can also be found in our neck of the woods – South America. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela all make a version of Panettone at Christmas. It is called various names Panetón, Pan de Pascua and Pan Dulce.

Holiday foods are all about tradition. Each year we pre-order meat for the holidays, set the garlic pork weeks before, have the fruits for the cake soaking in alcohol for years and so on. Just as many of our traditional Christmas preparations require a long process, so too does the traditional Panettone bread. There is a long,