Promoting lesser used species of woods in the construction and manufacturing sectors

A view from the Forest Products Development and Marketing Council

Part of the role of the Forest Products Development and Marketing Council (FPDMC) – in collaboration with the Guyana Forestry Commission and the Forest Products Association – is to promote the utilization of the lesser used species of woods (LUS’) found in Guyana’s forests.  These LUS contain properties that are comparable to the more commercialized species in terms of green density, heartwood, grain and texture. This has been verified by the Timber Research and Development Association and the Tropenbos International Foundation.

Extensive tests conducted on fifteen species including Blackakaralli, Darina, and Fukadi have found that the properties of these species are similar to (or even superior to) those found in the more commercialized species like Greenheart, Purpleheart, Crabwood and Locust. In addition to those fifteen species, testing has