What to do when he messes with your mind

I know a man who once drove a good, smart and perfectly sane woman to the brink of insanity. How did he do this? He was living a duplicitous life and whenever his wife saw signs of his other life with his other woman he would create some type of alternate reality that made the wife feel like she was the one who was in the wrong for questioning his supposed deep love for her.

This mental abuse went on for a very long time. The wife lost her sense of reality because what was real and what was fake were twisted and contorted. Thankfully, she eventually escaped from her abuser and is today a much better person for being away from such a devil.

Have you ever met someone who could manipulate a reality and make it become something altogether different? My abusive mother did this to me for years during my childhood. The only way for me to survive was to develop a very real sense of true reality and to