Nedd’s Bakery: Holding its own in a complex, competitive industry

All set for the oven

Like so many other bakeries in Guyana, Nedd’s Sons & Daughters Bakery, situated at Garnett & Campbell streets in Campbellville has a rich history.

Half a century of operation has seen two generations of Nedds take their turns at the helm of the business. There is an air of permanence about the establishment; its growth over the years having taken it from a community facility to an expanded coastal service. In the Guyana tradition, there is an element of longevity, even permanence to Nedd’s Bakery. The three brothers who now run the establishment do not create the slightest impression of going anywhere else soon.

The Nedds have come through the wars of the bakery sector, from the unrelenting competition that has always characterized it, to the rollercoaster ride arising out of the trauma of a country that drove the wheat flour business underground by banning its legal importation for a considerable period. None of the various experiments that have been applied in an effort to try to replace wheat flour have quite worked. The problems have been twofold, taste and technology. On the one hand political advocacy of local replacements for imported wheat