Tides of Susanburg roll back in!

Talk about a blast from the past! Francis Quamina Farrier’s The Tides of Susanburg returns on the stage of the Theatre Guild, Kingston next Friday, June 27, with a matinee performance at 13:00 hrs and evening performances on Saturday and Sunday at 19:00hrs.

The Tides of Susanburg, set in a fictitious village in Essequibo, is based on the life of a young girl called June Winters (Charisma Jones-Chin) and her mother Savitri Winters (Natasha Azeez and Renita Dyndial). Savitri battles with her devious sister-in-law, Stella Wharton (Colleen Humphrey), who wants to take the 13-year-old June away from her mother.

Mrs Wharton who is desperate to have her niece and her friend Carol Waldron (Carlene Samuel as her daughters,