In good taste…Pan-roasted chicken

Pan-roasted chicken (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

This week, it is another recipe of cooking chicken twice. Well, technically, it is starting the cooking process on the stovetop and then finishing it off in the oven. So, that counts as twice-cooked chicken, right?

The whole idea behind starting something on the stovetop and then moving it to the oven is to get a jump-start on the cooking process before adding the food to the oven. Sometimes (often) this process is used to brown, crisp or give colour and texture to the food with the direct heat of the stovetop. The heat in the oven then provides that indirect heat – cooking all around the food and the pan/dish it is in. This style of cooking is frequently used in restaurant kitchens.

For my pan-roasted chicken, I wanted to ensure that all pieces of the chicken would finish cooking at the