Keon Heywood will not be boxed in

Keon Heywood

Keon Heywood is a multi-talented artist who jumps outside the box to perfect his art. The dancer, singer and actor has received recognition in all three of these areas.

As far as acting is concerned, Keon has had memorable roles in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Malcolm De Freitas in 2012 and 2013 – he was Puck; Mosa Telford’s Shadows as Uncle Eustace; and Paradox, a play written by Jamal La Rose for the Merundoi Festival in 2012. He was also cast as Uncle Frank in Ken Danns’ The Farepicker for the 2013 National Drama Festival; Salazar in Rae Wiltshire’s Creative Burial Ground (2013) for which he was awarded Best Supporting Actor at the National Drama Festival; and his most recent, Desmond in Francis Quamina Farrier’s Tides of Susanburg.

Keon said he “absolutely enjoyed my role in Creative Burial Ground.” Connecting with the character Salazar was like an addiction for him. Salazar was very dark and sinister, but