Some annual August-time reminiscences

I tire truly of the world’s and Guyana’s sordid goings-on. These days I often wonder whether I could have been a media reporter required to write those daily new-stories of tragedy and misery – murder, other crimes, assaults, arson, accidents, corruption, etcetera. No wonder some reporters, like policemen, doctors or lawyers, become insensitive to crime and death. They report the facts subjectively.

Poor me I would have wanted to report the context, the human interest results and implications. So since a few days of August (2014) are left, I “escape” with the memories and “character” of August childhoods past.

Try to imagine if persons between fourteen and forty these days could themselves imagine a society without television, computers, video-games, internet, smart-phones – and yes lots of daily crime and road fatalities. I challenge their intellect often. My modern young friends are often given to becoming incredulous, filled with humorous disbelief and finding it difficult to cope with such a