The Lists, The Laws, The Elections…

This is one of those Fridays I wanted for my time-out brevity. Yet I’ve captioned “lofty” issues of “national significance.”

I am fairly well-known – more because of my television variety programme- so I’m approached often, for enlightenment – or clarification- on some basic issues. To me Frankly Speaking, those approaches, speak either to people’s apathy and general indifference and/or the deficiencies in the Public Education/Sensitisation Programmes mounted by the relevant agencies, the educational institutions even the political parties. (Sometimes I do feel that those who purport to “lead”, often have good reason for those youths and adults who approach me to remain under –informed, under–educated and in a state of mere “need-to-know” ignorance.) First, let’s peek at the issue of “the lists” from my usual simplified layman’s, man-in-the-street and –bar perspective.

Those Precious, Necessary “Lists”

PLE, OLE, NRR. Since elections entered into the air, compliments of the imminent no- confidence motion, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has