Hello, Stretch marks!

Caribbean people have latched onto the “summer” idea like they have with most other northern and western practices and trends. During the months of July and August, I feel more compelled to have pictures in a bikini floating around my Facebook timeline and a brand new cover photo of some exotic blue water, than in January.

Never mind we have this type of temperature all year round in Guyana. During the months of August and July, I feel the need to travel more because everyone else is doing it. It has just somehow managed to mince its way into my heart during these months; assisted by marketing and updates on my Instagram that this is the new cool thing that everyone is doing. And who doesn’t want to say they rolled on Aruba’s beach or sipped coconut water on Copacabana beach.

Now more than ever before, I feel like I’m missing out on certain aspects of life because everyone is doing it except me. These two months represent a