Sabanto Tokoroho: Rediscovering her Amerindian heritage

Sabanto Tokoroho was a small girl scared out of her wits when she moved from Kabakaburi in Pomeroon to attend school in Georgetown, and the constant teasing and sometimes cruel taunts from her schoolmates about her Amerindian heritage did not help. Looking back, however, she is not sorry she had to endure those lonely and sometimes painful days.

It is not that she would wish the experience on anyone else but Tokoroho said that it was those years in a community high school coupled with a very traumatic experience when she was slapped repeatedly and verbally abused by a former employer that strengthened her resolve to be proud and appreciate who she is.

It was also those experiences that caused her to learn more about her Arawak background and to focus her attention on working with indigenous people in the