Eve Ensler: Helping women to address the violence against them

Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler is a woman driven by the pain she sees her sisters across the globe suffer and while she will not be able to purge the world of violence against women and children in her lifetime her work is nevertheless making an impact, including through raising funds to assist those in need.

Known worldwide as the woman who scripted the now famous The Vagina Monologues out of which was born the recent One Billion Rise campaign, American-born Ensler’s work cuts across culture, race, class and religion.

During her over twenty years of work Ensler has received a great deal of criticism – some are of the opinion that she is just a white woman trying to tell coloured women what to do, more so what to do with their bodies – but she has shrugged this off and continues to travel the globe and lend a helping hand.

Her aim is to help grass roots women worldwide organise and come up with strategies to better address the scourge of violence against them,