Stewed Beef

Stewed Beef (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)


Making a stew out of the many cuts of beef that lend themselves to long, low, slow cooking is one of the most delicious things to eat. Unlike cooking a steak, you never have to worry about internal temperature and getting it to that perfect rare, medium rare, medium, or medium well. With a stew, it is all about well done. Well done until the meat is tender, soft and can be cut with a spoon. If there are bones, the meat should fall away easily.

With stews, fat is your friend, it provides much needed moisture for the meat and adds immense flavour to the gravy/sauce of the stew. Do not shy away from beef to make stew that has in a combination fat, tissues and bones, they are preferred rather than abhorred when it comes to making stews.

There are some boneless cuts of beef, however, that work well for stews. Each market labels their cuts differently; therefore, rather than get all caught up with labels, use your eyes to guide you. Choose beef that