It’s the Constitution! As Donald Duck(s)

And snippets from the protest

You “regulars” know me. Though a man-in-the-street, working-class commentator, I pause a while before rushing in to weigh-in on the hot topics of national significance. Especially when thousands of lines are being written by those more knowledgeable.

But there are aspects, angles and perspectives one can isolate to emphasize when burning issues, scenarios, even scandals, break out. Today I choose to direct attention, once again, to our seminal Constitution for the Co-operative Republic of Guyana (with Amendments to 12th August 2003, as my copy indicates). (I pay tribute to Mr Tony Vieira, Mr Lincoln Lewis, Mr Sherwood Lowe, Mr Ralph Ramkarran and Mr Henry Jeffrey, who, among others, direct attention to the provisions in our Constitution – whether strengths, deficiencies or anomalies. As I do, Lewis advocates lessons on the Constitution in Secondary schools.

Actually, over the past two years my now-relatively muted NGO National Policy Think Tank, the GNCPP, caused me to “explore” our Constitution very frequently.