Opening with small bites

Parmesan Crisps with Thyme (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)


Generally speaking, the way we present our food here in the Caribbean does not come as a 3-course meal; rather it is served in 2 courses – the main/entrée (which would also include a variety of side dishes and what in other cuisines would be referred to as appetizers). The second course is dessert. It is only when we are formally entertaining that we tend to separate the food into more than 2 courses.

Many people use the holidays to really let their entertaining skills shine in the kitchen and at the front of the house. An appetizer is usually the first course of a meal and is typically designed to complement the rest of the meal. In other words, whatever you prepare to serve as an appetizer should complement either by flavour, texture, etc, whatever you plan to serve as side dishes and main/entrée. However, we need not be this straight-laced, after all, it’s the holidays right? My advice is to go with the flow, work with what you have and what suits you, your family and friends. The only thing you need to keep in mind for an appetizer is this – it is the entrance to the rest of your feast, make it tasty and make it attractive. Remember, people eat with their eyes first.

A quick note here to appease the entertaining gurus and aficionados, there is a slight difference between hors d’oeuvres and appetizers. A hors d’oeuvre is a one-bite item; this means you put all of it