Euthanasia: the final curtain

20130922steveOver the last couple of months, we have been discussing cancers and tumours. We mentioned the different types of benign and malignant cancers and their treatments. Some-times, however, the growths have developed so quickly and have become so huge, and have spread to other parts of the body, etc, that not only is your pet uncomfortable, but it is actually feeling great pain and distress. At this point, you and your vet must have a serious discussion on the future existence of your pet.

Do not believe that it is only the pet owner/caregiver who feels miserable about the whole affair. Your vet who has probably known the pup pretty much from 6 weeks of age, and who has nursed it back to health on occasion, who has seen your input to ensure the companion animal remains healthy, now must throw up his/her hands and say no more, enough is enough,