Solomon concerned about land distribution in Linden

Sharma Solomon

By Jeff Trotman

Region Ten’s Chairman, Sharma Solomon, is concerned about how housing development is being handled at Amelia’s Ward and how land is being distributed between Bamia and Amelia’s Ward on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway.

He candidly expressed his concerns at a community development meeting for residents and land owners of Phases Two and Three Amelia’s Ward, Sawmill/Industrial Area, Obama Drive and South Amelia’s Ward on Wednesday, 21st May. Almost 150 people attended the meeting, which was held opposite the Amelia’s Ward Police Outpost to discuss issues related to telephone and water services, crime and security,  provisions for the community in the national 2014 budget, infrastructure and the formation of policing groups.

Regional and municipal councillors, representatives from the relevant utility services and the police also attended the meeting to answer questions in the highly interactive meeting, which