T&T Prime Minister fires attorney general and national security minister

Gary Griffith

(Trinidad Express) – Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar has asked that the President revoke the appointments of Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, National Security Minister Gary Griffith, and called for the resignation of the Director of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) David West, for their roles in the witness-tampering investigation ordered by Acting Police Commissioner Stephen Williams.

Former High Commis-sioner to the United Kingdom, attorney Garvin Nicholas will be the new Attorney General, and retired Brigadier General Carl Alfonso is the National Security Minister.

The Prime Minister has also removed Senate President Timothy Hamel-Smith, along with Justice Minister Emmanuel George. The Sports Ministry has been taken from Rupert Griffith, Minister in the Works and Infrastructure Ministry Stacy Roopnarine has been re-assigned, and Minister in the National Security Ministry Embau Moheni has been removed. Persad Bissessar has given up the portfolio of Social Development and People Ministry.

   Gary Griffith
Gary Griffith
 Anand Ramlogan
Anand Ramlogan
 David West
David West

Roopnarine has been transferred to the Ministry of Gender, Youth and Child Development. Rupert Griffith retains the portfolio of Science and Technology.

No replacement was named as a replacement for Hamel-Smith, who acted as President in the absence of Anthony Carmona. James Lambert, President General of the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (NUGFW) and Govern-ment Senator, is the Senate Vice President.

Legal Affairs Minister Prakash Ramadhar will take on the Justice Minis-try. Former advisor in the Office of the Prime Minister Christine Nawal Hosein is the new Minister of Social Development and the People. Soca Warrior footballer Brent Sancho is the Sports Minister, NJAC’s newly elected leader Kwesu Mutima is now a minister in the Works and Infrastructure Ministry.

In an 18 minutes address that began eight minutes later than its planned 7.30p.m start, Persad-Bissessar said that she had asked for and received the resignation of Ramlogan, and has asked for the resignation of Griffith, she said later he did not offer his resignation, and had been fired.