Ramkarran hails opposition alliance

Former PPP stalwart Ralph Ramkarran has hailed the APNU/AFC alliance and says it comes right out of the playbook of the late President Dr Cheddi Jagan.

“It is to the credit of the leaderships of the political parties that they were able to compromise and accomplish an agreement in such a short time,” he wrote in his column in the Sunday Stabroek while calling the grouping’s Cummingsburg Accord a creative political strategy. This kind of alliance comes right out of the playbook of Dr Jagan had he been in the same situation, Ramkarran said while noting that as past experience has shown, the late president might even have been prepared to sacrifice the presidency, as he would have done in 1977 or 1985 in favour of the PNC during the worst periods of bitterness between the two parties.

On February 14, APNU and the AFC announced that they will contest the upcoming May 11th general elections as a coalition, with David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo as its