GGMC defends mining claims for Baishanlin director -says he’s now citizen

Under scrutiny over a number of issues including the awarding of mining properties intended exclusively for Guyanese to a Chinese company, the Mines Commission yesterday said that a report on these matters contained “glaring inaccuracies” and a Baishanlin director who holds vast acreage of land had become a naturalized Guyanese citizen.

The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) also declared that at least 50% of shares of Bai Shan Lin Mining Development Company Limited are owned by Guyanese. The firm is part of a group of 11 companies operating in Guyana which are all part of the China Forest Industry Group (Hong Kong). The majority of the other companies under the group in Guyana including Baishanlin International Forest Development Inc. engage in logging and have attracted controversy on several fronts.

It was not previously known that half of Bai Shan Lin Mining Development Company Limited was held by Guyanese nor that Baishanlin director Chu Hongbo had become a Guyanese citizen. It is not clear if the reference to 50% of Bai Shan Lin Mining Development Company Limited being held by