Scenes from rehearsals of Julius Caesar

Scenes from rehearsals of Julius Caesar starring Ajay Baksh, Mark Luke-Edwards, Sean Thompson, Michael Ignatius, Lloyda Nicholas Garrett, Nirmala Narine, Paul Budnah, Max Massiah, Kirk Jardine, Chris Gopaul, John Fraser, Luigi Ferreira, Gibran Azeez, Patrick Chanderban, Stephen Asif Mohamed, Delon Sancho, Alex Rodrigues, Masud Lewis, students of the National School of Theatre Arts and Drama and the Sacred Heart Youth Group. The Shakespearean tragedy is directed by Derek Gomes and produced by Gem Madhoo-Nascimento. Performances are on April 30 and May 2 at 10:00 hrs and May 4 at 20:00 hrs at the National Cultural Centre. Tickets cost $500 (matinee) and $1,000 and $2,500.

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