Ailments of the eye (continued)

Last week, we discussed problems associated with the third eyelid (the nictitating membrane). There are two other conditions that also have to do with that membrane, and which I feel need some explanation.

The third eyelid anchors itself on a bit of cartilage (“soft bone”). Sometimes, the piece of cartilage everts (rolls on itself), taking the nictitating membrane along with it. The third eyelid appears to roll back on itself like a shrivelled leaf. This condition has to be treated surgically. Beware of those who tell you to use antibiotics and eye drops as a cure. I must also mention that this is a congenital condition in some of the big breeds (eg Great Dane, Saint Bernard, Golden Retriever etc)

Finally, there is a malady dubbed “Cherry Eye”. This is a situation whereby the tear gland on the inner surface of the nictitating membrane swells up. As the gland enlarges, it is pushed out from beneath the lid. One can then see this red tumour (that’s why it is called “Cherry Eye”) at the nasal corner of the