The Presidency. The Transition, the Honeymoon

This man-in-the-street, 23-year-old column welcomes the Presidency of David Granger, as well as his brand-new administration which should be unfolding, personnel-wise, as you read this.

I appreciate the joy and euphoria of “victory” still being displayed by enthusiastic and relieved APNU-AFC voters. I, however, having been there-done–that, in terms of elections triumphs (and one loss’, 92) will not repeat the numerous sentiments of congratulations. Indeed, I absolutely admire President Granger’s eschewing even one iota of any political triumphalism. After all, GECOM’s- and APNU/AFC’s – final figures reveal a close race to the eventual winner’s finish line, did they not?

So in this my first working-class column of the Granger Presidency let’s