Gold miners want concessions fast tracked, Sparman says

The pace of progress in discourses between government and the mining sector over concessions designed to enhance productivity in an industry weighed down by the effects of continually falling gold prices remains slow, the change in political administration notwithstanding, Administrative Coordinator of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) Colin Sparman has told Stabroek Business.

In a telephone interview conducted on Wednesday Sparman said the mining sector was still seeking to finalize with the present administration understandings reached with its predecessor relating to concessions in a number of areas including reduced fuel prices, duty-free all-terrain vehicles and hinterland access roads. He said that while engagements between the miners and government remain cordial there was no mistaking the sense of urgency attached to the challenges facing the sector.

“The situation in the industry is serious. Some miners are leaving and they