De Willem residents want deplorable road fixed

A resident manoeuvring the potholes 

Residents of De Willem, West Coast Demerara are desperate for their road to be fixed as it is almost impassable especially during the rainy weather.

A resident manoeuvring the potholes 
A resident manoeuvring the potholes

According to them, the street has been in a deplorable condition for a long time and has deteriorated further.

The residents are upset that all the other streets in the area were repaired recently but theirs was not. They are calling on the government to address the situation urgently so they that their suffering would be eased.

They told Stabroek News that there are huge potholes at the head of the street that become ponds whenever it rains.

Many drivers have damaged their vehicles while traversing the road and pedestrians have a hard time walking without getting their feet messy.