Murdering Granny, the Defence, poor Mr Ramjattan

What manner of “human” cracks an old lady’s skull, tramples her battered body, perhaps strangles her, then drinks a beverage from her refrigerator?

The prevailing, “conventional wisdom” explaining these bestial savageries, is that the perpetrator most likely used some type of powerful narcotic before such acts. In truth the perpetrator(s) who mutilated and beheaded the remigrant businesswoman on the East Coast, Demerara earlier this year did admit to snorting lots of marijuana before that carnival of fatal bestiality.

One paper’s account of Granny Carmen’s brutal murder of a few days ago made even “hardened” me recoil.   I have reason to quote that report, in part, here: “… when Carmen (77) walked into the kitchen the killer attacked, striking the (old) woman to her head (with the wrench/spanner). Even though she