Regional political style

Kamla Persad-Bissessar

It was Miuccia Prada who said fashion is an instant language. While some may beg to differ, I personally believe politicians and women married to politicians must learn to master the art of “talking 20140712LOGO2through their clothes” and using it as a channel to communicate their values and beliefs.

I do think it’s a tad bit unfair that so much spotlight is placed on female political style as opposed to male political style, but like Alexander Fury, Fashion Editor of The Independent said, industry stakeholders like stylists, designers and CEOs, do find menswear a bit dull and it is for the most part actually boring. A pair of pants can only be passed through fashion manipulation so many times.

From the designers these women choose to support, to their choice in cuts, to the stereotypes they choose to challenge, these all play an important part in their unspoken public persona. Today let’s take a look at the style diaries of two well-known politicians in the