Anything accomplished is only possible with support of Animal Angels Network

Dear Editor,

Last Saturday the Caribbean Voice honoured my work by awarding me the Victoria Regia Award. I was not in Guyana at the time but my dear friend Maureen Marks-Mendonca accepted the award on my behalf. According to Annan Boodram, the Caribbean Voice award was developed to give back to persons making a difference in Guyana. I feel honoured that my activism work was recognized for making a difference. However, it’s important to point out that anything I accomplish is only possible because of the support I receive from my Animal Angels Network. A special thanks is due the following persons who keep me going: Melinda Janki, Satish Sharma, Pat Giankas, Dr Nardeo Bassoodeo, Abheishka Singh, Dean Hassan, Ian Tenneesee of Tenneesee shipping in Toronto, Kevin Granger, Nicky Mendes, Noreen Gaskin, whose support I count on almost every day, and the woman who got me started by training me to help the voiceless, Nicole Fitzsimmons.

Yours faithfully,

Syeada Manbodh