Confusion over city’s plan to ‘revitalize and upgrade’ Promenade Gardens

A move by the city administration to “revitalize and upgrade” the Promenade Gardens has generated confusion among members of the City Council and Republic Bank Limited (RBL), the latter having been responsible for the upkeep of the space for almost a decade.

After more than a century of existence the gardens had been in a state of disrepair for years owing to the city’s inability to maintain it. In 2006, RBL in collaboration with the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) conducted major rehabilitation of the gardens, and has continued to maintain the space.

On Tuesday, the M&CC issued a press release which stated that it “has embarked upon a special plan to upgrade and enhance the beauty of this national treasure. This includes the re-painting of the fence, general repairs and refurbishing of the bandstand, the