Misinformation on suicide continues to be peddled

Dear Editor,

Given the plethora of information and research on suicide made publicly available over the last two years, it is quite an enigma that misinformation continues to be peddled from the top of the socio-political structure. The latest such tidbit is that suicide happens because of unhappiness. This kind of blasé approach trivialising a national crisis is both distressing and frustrating and reinforces the ‘blame the victim’ syndrome. In Guyana, the known risk factors for suicide include:

Perhaps most importantly, it is globally known that about 90% of people who commit suicide have some sort of psychiatric disorder and that depression is more often than not, the straw that breaks the camel back. Yet, as US writer and social activist, Gabe Howard, puts it, “The reality is that people who are contemplating suicide aren’t looking for reasons to die, they are looking for a way to make the pain stop.”

However, it is a proven fact that suicide is eminently preventable. And a critical step towards preventing suicide is indeed a national conversation that must:

This national conversation must be supplemented by a set of other measures, which have been discussed in the public domain for a while and even ventilated by various government ministers and other spokespersons. So again The Caribbean Voice (TCV) urges that:

Alternatively planned Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) training of Guyanese on how to treat persons who ingest pesticides, should ensure that there are enough trained personnel to be deployed nationwide, that they be adequately provided with antidotes, and that their duties include implementing steps to ensure secure storage and use of pesticides and disposal of containers, as well as ensure that only those who need such chemicals are enabled to purchase them.

TCV has been reaching out to media with a bit of success but it is so important that all media start publicizing the suicide hotlines and offering suicide prevention messages. TCV has messages already crafted/produced and have already offered them to some media. Meanwhile we urge the media to be more empathetic and considerate of loved ones of suicide victims and completely cease publishing suicide victims’ photos. We also remind counsellors and related personnel to always ensure that confidentiality remains the central tenet of their practice. This point is made not because there is any doubt about confidentiality, but because TCV has been informed by a number of different sources that some are hesitant to seek the help of counsellors because confidentiality is breached. We would like to believe that this is just a rumour but given its existence, reinforcing confidentiality becomes absolutely necessary.

Yours faithfully,

Annan Boodram