Let us ID and tag Yellow Poui

(Continued from last week)

As far as I am aware, the only surviving Yellow Poui is planted outside the Prime Minister’s Residence on Main Street. Let us hope that it is still there intact as the other Yellow Poui on upper Brickdam, outside the Cathedral died a few years ago.

20130630Garden (Peggy Chin)For the past 20 plus years neither the one on Brickdam nor Main Street produced any seedlings.

Yellow Poui grows to a height of approximately 25 feet with densely branching habit and papery leaves of 4-5 ovate leaves, unlike the Pink Poui that can grow to approximately 60 feet.

If anyone knows of any Yellow Poui planted elsewhere, kindly get in touch with me so that we can ID and tag them. Generations to come will thank you.

Let us hope that good sense will prevail and the