Office of the First Lady bolstering ties with UNFPA to reduce teen pregnancy

First Lady Sandra Granger (centre) shares a warm moment with (from left) Sheila Roseau, Director and Representative of the United Nations Population Fund and Ms. Patrice La Fleur, Assistant Representative of the UNFPA (GINA photo)

First Lady Mrs. Sandra Granger, earlier today, met with Sheila Roseau, Director and Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Patrice La Fleur, Assistant Representative, to discuss new strategies to reduce teenage pregnancy.

First Lady Sandra Granger (centre) shares a warm moment with (from left) Sheila Roseau, Director and Representative of the United Nations Population Fund and Ms. Patrice La Fleur, Assistant Representative of the UNFPA (GINA photo)
First Lady Sandra Granger (centre) shares a warm moment with (from left) Sheila Roseau, Director and Representative of the United Nations Population Fund and Ms. Patrice La Fleur, Assistant Representative of the UNFPA (GINA photo)