LGBT Guyanese deserve acceptance, equality, justice, and wellness

Sexual orientation (how one identifies sexually, in terms of who they are sexually attracted to) and behaviour are important elements of health and wellbeing. Most obviously, there are some infections that are transmitted during sexual activity via the exchange of bodily fluids or by intimate skin-skin contact. However, sexual orientation also affects mental health.

Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of discrimination in the world today based on sexual orientation. Heterosexuality- sexual attraction between men and women- is the most common orientation, but homosexuality- sexual attraction between men and men (gay) or women and women (lesbian) and bisexuality (sexual attraction to both men and women) have been found in all societies worldwide. In fact, research has shown the existence of a wide range of sexual orientations, including in the natural world- with homosexuality and bisexuality also being observed in numerous animal species.

Transgender refers to individuals whose self-identity does not fit with the common understanding of male and female gender roles and usually does not match the sex they’re assigned at birth due to their external physical genitalia. Transgender therefore refers to a gender identity, not a sexual orientation. Transgender individuals experience the