Bauxite output strong

2015 bauxite production figures reflecting performances that either exceed or come close to matching targeted expectations have once again failed to disguise the fact that Guyana’s industry is swimming against a tide of weak global demand and high recovery costs, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman says.

Figures released to this newspaper earlier this week indicate that between January and November last year the majority Chinese-owned Bosai Minerals Group Company Inc. realized an overall bauxite production figure of 320,788 tonnnes valued at US$56.863 million (production figures for December were unavailable up to earlier this week). The vast majority of Bosai’s bauxite earnings came from its production of the industry’s Refractory ‘A’ Grade Super Calcined (RASC) Bauxite which yielded 122,219 tonnes valued at US$41.621 million. Aluminous