A different kind of Guyanese

The litany of Guyana’s woes continue every day; we all know the instances, as we are regaled with examples coming from established columnists, various letter writers, and social media platforms. Wearing as the process may be, particularly to those being criticized, it is an understandable reaction and even, one would venture to say, a commendable one – we should complain, we should be critical, we should expect better.

soitgoAt the same time, while I understand the outbursts when some sort of distress has been experienced, I’m not sure I follow why we don’t see more of the other side of the coin – when someone is relating a positive experience, an example of things working well, of a high standard being achieved. I suppose the old explanation of the squeaking-wheel-getting-the-grease is a big factor in the difference, because the good news stories are certainly about – perhaps, too, by their very nature they don’t draw our ire and therefore don’t get our attention. At any rate, I am simply noting that, rare as they may be, the positive experiences are there, and we should take the time to pass them on.

This week, with an appliance in the home acting up, I went back to the place I purchased it, Farfan & Mendes in Water Street. At the outset, I admit that I don’t have a lot of patience for inefficiency and disorder, and