Iwokrama renews management pact with Rupununi communities

Leaders of the 20 North Rupununi Communities witnessing the signing of the agreements by Dane Gobin, CEO of Iwokrama Centre (seated left) and Anthony Andries, Chairman of the North Rupununi District Development Board (seated right) at the Iwokrama River Lodge at Kurupukari (Iwokrama photo)

The Iwokrama Inter-national Centre (IIC) for rainforest conservation on January 14th 2016 renewed the Collaborative Management Agreement (CMA) and the Memoran-dum of Understanding (MOU) it holds with the 20 communities of the North Rupununi.

In a statement, the IIC said that the communities are represented by the North Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB). The renewal signing ceremony was held during the recent statutory meeting of the NRDDB, which for the first time, was held at the Centre’s River Lodge at Kurupukari on the Upper Essequibo River.

IIC, dedicated to rainforest conservation, said that the renewal process was the result of four months of consultations with the communities which extend from Fair View within the Iwokrama Forest, to the riverain communities of