
Shrimping Hubert Moshett Oil 1972 Photo courtesy of National Gallery of Art

In this their eleventh Conversation on Guyanese art Artists Stanley Greaves AA and Akima McPherson examine Hubert Moshett Shrimping. The oil painting was completed in 1972 and will be available for viewing from February 8 – 13 at the National Gallery of Art, Castellani House.

Stanley Greaves: Shrimping by Hubert Moshett is certainly one of the master works in the National Collection. It is one of his best paintings, if not the best. This is from the point of view of the subject matter done in a very sympathetic manner, no romanticizing of the working class. It is very realistic and to the point. The work is as harsh as the environment depicted. It is a great visual statement and I do remember the impact it made on me first time I saw it.

Akima McPherson: I love the free and thick application of paint on the canvas, in broad gestures and strokes. However,