Two gentlemen did poetry at Moray House

Francis Quamina Farrier
Francis Quamina Farrier
Francis Quamina Farrier
Captain Lloyd Marshall
Captain Lloyd Marshall

An appreciative audience enjoyed as wide-ranging a performance of poetry as is ever likely to take place under the auspices of Moray House Trust on Thursday last.

According to a press release from Moray House, ‘Two Gentlemen Doing Poetry’ featured Francis Quamina Farrier and Captain Lloyd Marshall, who recited psalms, speeches from Shakespeare’s plays, poems by Martin Carter, Ian McDonald and AJ Seymour and much more.

The gentlemen also performed a suite of their own poems, many of which dealt with subjects and places familiar to the audience. Farrier offered a memorable ode to a destitute elderly lady who lived beneath a tree on the Avenue of the Republic and a wonderfully dub-paced tribute to priest, “Father Monty.”

It was a bravura performance. One member of the audience was moved to comment on the prodigious feat of memory exhibited by both gentlemen and ask for “tips,” the release said.