Prakash quits as COP leader

Prakash Ramadhar

(Trinidad Express) Prakash Ramadhar has resigned as political leader of the Congress of the People (COP).

Prakash Ramadhar
Prakash Ramadhar

Ramadhar informed the COP’s national executive on Wednesday night of his decision.

Clyde Weatherhead, the COP’s general secretary, informed the media on Thursday morning of Ramadhar’s decision.

In a statement Weatherhead said: “In his letter, Mr. Ramadhar has indicated an effective date for his decision which he suggests will ‘allow the party sufficient time to organise an election to decide a successor and facilitate immediate transition which will ensure the continued work of the COP in charting its future which we started at the retreat last year’, ”.

The COP’s national council is expected to meet on Monday and it is expected that Ramadhar’s resignation will be discussed, said Weatherhead.

Ramadhar took the helm of the COP in 2011 after the party’s founder Winston Dookeran stepped down as its political leader.

Ramdhar defeated Vernon DeLima and Anil Roberts in the party’s elections.