There should be

I’m a notes guy, and not only for songs. I keep little jottings about things I notice or read, conversations I overhear, comical signs on car windows, etc. In my scribblings, I have one section called ‘There Should Be’ where I dump random ideas of social progress, often not of pressing importance at the time, but some of these notes later turn into columns in this space. From that, therefore, this:

There should be:

20131020dave martins= Somewhere in Georgetown, in an attractive and very visible location, a substantial permanent recognition honouring Martin Carter, with his name in letters two feet high, and displaying examples of his works. Ideally, it should be on the land where he once lived, replacing the ignored and untended house that sits there, but if that is not available some other central site should be found. I know without asking that the money for such a project would be easy to find,