Miners group rejects claim 15,000 ozs gold being smuggled weekly

Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman (sixth from left) meeting with the miners (GGDMA photo)

The 15,000 ounces figure cited by Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman of gold being smuggled out of Guyana each week has been labelled as “ridiculous” by the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA).

“While we agree that smuggling is taking place, the figure being touted of 15,000 ounces per week is ridiculous, at least. It is very difficult for us to fathom that 15,000 ounces are being smuggled out of the country on a weekly basis as this amount equates to over 770,000 ounces per annum, this would be approximately double the average annual yearly declarations over the last few years,” the GGDMA said in a recent statement.

“We hope that over time more details are made available about these numbers so that clarity can be acquired regarding the origin of these numbers. Despite this discrepancy, the association remains steadfast, in that, not even one ounce should be smuggled,” it said.

In January, Trotman had said that approximately 15,000 ounces of gold is being smuggled from Guyana each week and the country is losing as much as 60% of gold produced here in this manner.