New $2.1B lab to boost treatment for heart patients

Persons suffering with heart disease may no longer have to worry about the cost of travelling abroad for required surgeries as the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in collaboration with the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI) yesterday commissioned a new $2.1 billion Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory.

Located in the compound of the GPHC, the new lab is said to be the largest and most advanced of its kind in the Caribbean and it is equipped to offer procedures, such as cardiac catheterizations, the insertion of cardiac stenches, pacemakers and defibrillators through the groin without open heart surgery.

However, according to Minister of Public Health Dr George Norton, the introduction of the new lab is not the final stage for the development of cardiovascular treatment facilities in Guyana as there are plans to eventually transform the lab into a fully functional hybrid lab, which would be