Georgetown Chamber President concedes ‘differences’ with PSC

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Private Sector Commission (PSC) may share a common objective of working to create an enabling environment for the enhancement of the interests of the country’s business community, but that does not mean that there is always unanimity on a common approach to that goal, GCCI President Vishnu Doerga has told Stabroek Business.

Vishnu Doerga
Vishnu Doerga

In what amounted to a frank admission that relations between the country’s two premier business support organizations could be better, the Chamber President said he believed that enhanced collaboration between the two private sector bodies can strengthen the capacity of the business sector to realize common goals. He added, however, that his concession that there were “differences” should not be interpreted to mean that either body had lost sight of the common objective of continuing to work in the interest of the business sector. “The GCCI is a sectoral member of the PSC,” Doerga told Stabroek Business, “and that says something about our commitment to a common set of objectives.”

Comments from informed members of the business sector alluding to what one Chamber official has described as “distance” between the two business support organizations have led to speculation that the two might be moving in separate directions, but Doerga was quick to erase that view. He told Stabroek Business that it would be erroneous to suggest that the two were running on